Douglas Jesse Rebbillet

Pronouns: He/Him (Trans ftm)
birthday: October 31st 1997♏
Horoscope Birth chart: (Sun)Scorpio
(Moon)Scorpio (Mercury)Scorpio (Venus)Sagittarius (Mars)Sagittarius (Jupiter)Aquarius (Saturn)Aries (Uranus)Aquarius (Neptune)Capricorn (Pluto)Sagittarius (Lilith)Virgo (N Node)Virgo
sexuality: bi sexual, demi sexual
relationship: Mono,Poly,Open (Single)
favorite song: Friends Of Clay- What Percent Is Monsters
Favorite color: Yellow
Disorders?: BPD/DID(MPD)/OCD
food: peanut butter noodles and stromboli
nationality: White (Italian)

About: I am a very open, face to face kind of guy. I hold respect and love to a very high standard, yet most things dont tend to bother me much depending on the situation. unfortunately, i have a very toxic family and grew up just the same. I have 6 cats and 1 dog (Louie, oreo, spencer, ginger, gilligan, rosemary and cora). I have a disorder that consists of a system of Alters (mpd/did) that i consider to be my family, whose helped me through the thickest to the thinnest.(Calypso, Hades, Penelope, Jane, Boo, -The Cabin, The House-). I have no triggers thankfully besides screaming in an argumentative way. I enjoy the great out doors, extremely long walks, weed and deep conversations. I am extremely lovable to all things living, but if i sense an evil vibe i show no shame into dropping that, so no fear with getting rid of hateful beings. I hate bugs. when it comes to sexual relations, its all about consent in general and to ones desires, so all you gotta do is ask LOL!! my views consist of anti trump supporter, acab, blm, trans rights, black trans rights, ect. I am a diary to hold on, a person to trust, very cuddly and comforting and i will always be a helping hand, no matter what! i can be very socialable as well, i just need to get use to a crowd. Im not much good talking about myself really and the form of this sentence is unbearable but, just to spew out some information to get to know me. i hope for a great future with great people and memories.

( Made with Carrd )